- Albert the Great
- Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
- Ambrose of Milan
- Anselm of Canterbury
- Anthony of Padua
- Athanasius
- Augustine of Hippo
- Basil the Great
- Bede the Venerable
- Bernard of Clairvaux
- Bonaventure
- Catherine of Siena
- Cyril of Alexandria
- Cyril of Jerusalem
- Ephrem of Syria
- Francis of Sales
- Gregory Nanzianzen
- Gregory of Narek
- Gregory the Great
- Hilary of Poitiers
- Hildegard von Bingen
- Isidore
- John Chrystostom
- John Damascene
- John of Avila
- John of the Cross
- Lawrence of Brindisi
- Leo the Great
- Peter Canisius
- Peter Chrysologus
- Peter Damian
- Robert Bellarmine
- Teresa of Avila
- Therese of Lisieux
- Thomas Aquinas
We learn from the Saints how to live in obedience to Gods Word and the Teachings of our Church. © Faith of the Fathers, 2005-2018. All rights reserved.
Neither are the souls of the pious dead separated from the Church which even now is the kingdom of Christ. Otherwise there would be no remembrance of them at the altar of God in the communication of the Body of Christ. -- Saint Augustine of Hippo from “The City of God”
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Monday, February 23, 2015
Doctors of the Church -- A List (Updated)
we get to the list, here is the definition of Doctor of the Church
from "The
Modern Catholic Dictionary"
by Father John A. Hardon, S.J.:
OF THE CHURCH. A title given since the Middle Ages to
certain saints whose writing or preaching is outstanding for guiding
the faithful in all periods of the Church's history. Originally the
Western Fathers of the Church, Gregory the Great, Ambrose, Augustine,
and Jerome, were considered the great doctors of the Church. But the
Church has officially added many more names to the original four.
following are Doctors of the Church

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Doctors of the Church -- A List (Updated)
Steve Smith
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