Neither are the souls of the pious dead separated from the Church which even now is the kingdom of Christ. Otherwise there would be no remembrance of them at the altar of God in the communication of the Body of Christ. -- Saint Augustine of Hippo from “The City of God

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Friday, March 23, 2007

Saint Mary Frances of the Five Wounds

Anna Maria Rosa was born in Naples in 1715 and was christened Mary Frances. The family belonged to the middle class of society. Her mother was a devout and gentle woman, who had much to contend with from her hot-tempered husband. She was very worried before the birth of this child. Saint John Joseph of the Cross, lived in Naples at that time, calmed her and recommended special care of the child, as it was destined to attain to great holiness.

Mary Frances was scarcely 4 years old when she began to spend hours in prayer. She sometimes even arose at night to pray. She had such a desire to know the truths of the Catholic Faith that an angel appeared to her and instructed her regularly. Before she was seven, she desired to receive Holy Communion. The priest was astonished at her knowledge of the Faith, as well as her ardent desire for the Bread of Angels, and felt that he could not deny her the privilege.

As she grew, Mary would help her parents in their work. Her father was a weaver of gold lace and was anxious to have his children help as early as possible. He found that Mary Frances was not only the most willing but also the most skilled in the work.

When she was only sixteen years old, a rich young man asked her father for her hand in marriage. Rejoicing at the favorable prospect, her father at once gave his consent.

Mary’s father was shocked at Mary’s defiance when she was told of the plans for her marriage. She refused and would only espouse her Heavenly Bridegroom. Mary asked her father’s permission to become a Franciscan Tertiary. He became so enraged that he seized a rope and whipped the delicate girl unmercifully, until her mother intervened. He then locked her in a room, where she received only bread and water, and no one was permitted to speak to her.

Mary considered herself fortunate to be able to offer her divine bridegroom this early proof of her fidelity. She saw this as a pre-nuptial celebration. The earnest plea of a priest made her father, who after all was a believing Christian, realize that he had done wrong. He gave his blessing for Mary to take the Tertiary habit and serve God as a consecrated virgin at home, as was customary in those days.

Joy, joy, holy joy! Mary received the habit and with it the surname "of the Five Wounds." This name was prophetic of her ensuing years. At home she had much to endure. Her father never quite got over Mary not marrying the wealthy young man.

When God favored her with unusual graces, she was sometimes granted ecstasies at prayer and suffered our Lord's agony with Him, her own brothers and sisters insulted her as an imposter. Even her confessor felt obliged to deal harshly with her. For a long time she could find consolation nowhere but in the wounds of Christ.

Her confessor believed at last that it was God who was doing these things in her. Mary’s mother had died and he saw to it that she found a home with a fellow Tertiary. There one day, as she herself lay ill, she learned that her father was near death. She asked Almighty God to let her suffer her father's death agony and his purgatory. Both requests were granted.

Mary suffered continuously but our Lord also gave her great graces and consolations. She received the marks of the wounds of Christ and was granted the gift of prophesy and of miracles. When Pius VI was crowned pope in 1775, she saw him in a vision wearing a crown of thorns. Pope Pius died 24 years later as a prisoner of the French Revolution at Valence.

Mary Frances also prophesied the tragic events of the French Revolution. She asked that she be taken from this world before they would happen and her request was granted. She died on October 6, 1791, kissing the feet of her crucifix. God glorified her by many miracles. She was beatified by Pope Gregory XVI, and canonized by Pope Pius IX in 1867.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

The Nuns of Compiegne-Saints & Martyrs

As we have seen the French revolution was to lead to untold inhumanity against man, but also it was a direct attack on the Church itself and it struck at the heart of the Church in our Priests and Religious, in which many suffered Martyrdom.

Instead of a revolution that freed the poor from the oppression of poverty it instead, was a tyrannical and obscene political movement. For if one is either rich or poor we are all children of God, and murder is never acceptable to solving social problems.

As the people reeled from one disaster to the next in this blood thirsty landscape where no amount of blood shed could quench the lust of the murderers, for in their blood lust these killers spared no one! The persecution of the Catholic Church in France is almost unequalled, in the annals of history.

But no matter the political turmoil or the unrest of the people, the Church stands Strong and firm, including both Priests and Religious.

So when the 'new' law of France was declared that of liberty it was to be in a perverted sense, in that many stormed the Monasteries and Convents to 'release' the 'imprisoned' in order to 'enlighten' these Holy men and women to this amazing freedom, which was simply a form of enchainment to the State! And when they in turn informed the officials that they were already free in their Love for Christ, many officials took this as a provocation to their 'new world order' in their 'enlightened age'.

So we come to the Carmelite Sisters of Compeigne, who had fled persecution in England only to find it arriving on their doorstep once they arrived in France. In themselves these holy Sisters were quite ordinary souls they lived their religious vocation as devoutly and as humbly as they could, and prayed for peace in France. They tried to obey the civil authorities, despite the obnoxious way their Rule of Life was treated!

These most Holy Nuns also kept prayer vigils for all those suffering under this terrible persecution and offered themselves as victim souls in expiation against the terrible sins being committed against the Church, God and their fellow man.

Perhaps this was too much for these 'brave' men of the revolution who when hearing of the Nuns devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus had the Nuns of Compiegne arrested! Obviously by their very pious and humble prayers they were considered 'provocateurs'.

And in this bloody thirsty generation it seemed their blood lust was still not appeased and so these innocent and Holy Nuns were arrested on trumped up charges. What was their crime? The officials found portraits of Jesus of the Sacred Heart, these Nuns were then deemed enemies of the peoples, and they faced their trial which was a kangaroo court of mere thugs and degenerates.

The Nuns of Compiegne were accused of being 'parasites' and of being 'deluded' in that they these revolutionaries were more enlightened than to actually believe that God existed, for these degenerates God NO longer existed but their perverse Law did!

But these Holy Nuns were not silent against such a gross injustice, and it would be Mother Henriette who upon handing these officials her written statement they then read it aloud, "How false are the judgments that the world makes of us! Its profound ignorance disapproves of our promises; all that it adorns itself with is but pure vanity. Its only reality is the sorrow that devours it. I despise its pride, I consider its hatred an honour; and I prefer my chains to its spurious freedom. O day of eternal celebration, O day forever holy, when, vowing myself to Carmel I won the heart of God. O beloved and precious bonds I strengthen you each day; all that the earth can offer me is worthless in my eyes; your sarcasm, worldlings, compared to my joy is a dead giveaway: that joy outweighs all the cares to which your soul is prey."

This declaration of their love for God and many other devout nuns praising God were enough for the 'Judge' to pass judgement and that was death by guillotine!

Many of these Holy Nuns went to the guillotine singing songs of Praises to God on High but also for mercy to those who were to martyr them. These heroic Nuns truly had their prayers heard and died for the expiation of many who were committing horrendous and barbarous acts in the name of 'liberty'!

These Holy Nuns of Compiegne died in 1794.

They were beatified in 1906 by Pope Pius X.

Copyright © 2007 Marie Smith. All rights reserved.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Saint Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga

Alberto was born in 1901, in Vina del Mar, Chile. His father died when Albert was only four, and his mother moved with her two sons to Santiago after selling the family farm to pay off debts. Albert knew what was to be poor from an early age and remembered how frequently the family had to move. He was very acquainted with the struggles of the homeless and needy.

“It is good to put your hands together to pray, but it is better to open them in order to give,” were the watchwords of Alberto’s mother. He learned compassion from his mother and would share what little he had with the poor children. He attended the Jesuit school in Santiago on a scholarship. From a very young age Albert showed deep concern for the poor who lived in the slums. He spent Sunday afternoons helping serve the poor in the most blighted areas.

Alberto spent many hours in prayer and could feel a growing call to become a Jesuit priest. He postponed his desire to become a Jesuit until his mother and brother were better provided for. After leaving school, he worked afternoons and evenings to help support the family and also to support his law studies at the Catholic University.

Graduating at 22 years, with a law degree, he entered the Jesuit novitiate. His formation years in the Society of Jesus took him through South America and Europe. He was ordained in Belgium in 1933. Alberto was so happy and content and only wanted to live out his ministry wholeheartedly.

Albert returned to Santiago in 1936 to teach at St Ignatius School and gave adult classes in at the Catholic University. Young people were drawn to him through the retreats and missions he led. His passion for Christ was evident and it sparked young hearts to give themselves to Christ, to work in the vineyard for His glory.

The Eucharist was the central unifying force of Father Alberto’s life. The Mass was his life and he saw his life as a continual Mass.

Alberto had a heart for the poor. He worried about the poor and the orphans that roamed Santiago’s streets. They were ignored and forgotten but Father Alberto would change that. In the poor and homeless, Father Hurtado saw Christ. "Christ, in his mystical body, is dying of tuberculosis on the streets or under a bridge." and "If we don’t see Christ in the person we rub elbows with every moment, that is because our faith is tepid and our love imperfect."

In 1944, a very sick homeless man knocked on Father Hurtado’s door looking for a place to stay. This encounter left him feeling very distressed. He voiced his concerns at a women’s retreat and suggested opening a shelter. The women were so moved that they responded by giving very generous donations of land, jewels and money. This was the beginning of El Hogar de Cristo, Christ’s Home which opened in May 1945. The hospice was open to anyone.

The hospices increased in number and not only did they offer the poor shelter for the night but also helped re-habilitate people and taught them true Christian values. He wanted them to respect their value as a person and more so as a child of God. Father Alberto would go out in the night in his green truck looking for children sleeping on the streets. People recall Father Hurtado in his green pickup truck picking up the poor and homeless and bringing them to the Hogar.

Father Alberto wrote a book, Is Chile a Catholic Country?, which criticized materialism and its toxic effects on the young and poor. He criticized the very unjust social structure and systems. His critiques were not well received. He was misunderstood and seen as a radical. Undaunted, he started labor unions whose foundations were based on Christian humanism and the Church’s social teachings. It was “a way to make the Church present in the area of organized labor.” He wrote many papers on social justice and the Church in the years that followed.

He encouraged the businessmen, employers and the rich to act as coworkers with Jesus for the betterment of the society. To the workers, he helped them to see their labor as a Christian activity, not something separate from their faith.

At fifty, Father Alberto had the symptoms of the disease that would end his life. He had a stroke and was then diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He received his prognosis as a gift from God. His most eloquent testimony was given during his last illness and death. The greatness of God and the depth of the man himself were revealed in the way he faced the moment of his departure.

Upon learning of his immanent death, he replied: “How can I not be overjoyed! How can I not be grateful to God! Instead of a violent death he has sent me a long illness so that I can prepare myself; He has not sent me pain but rather the pleasure of seeing so many friends, to be able to see them all. Truly for me God has been a loving Father; the best of fathers.”

Despite his great pain, he was heard to say, “I am content, O Lord, I am content”. He lingered for more than a year and died in 1951 surrounded by his Jesuit brothers. At his funeral, great crowds came to bid farewell to their beloved priest, Papa Alberto.

On October 16, 1994, Pope John Paul II beatified Father Alberto in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican and Pope Benedict XVI canonized him in 2005.